Friday, January 17, 2014


This morning, as I woke up and opened my window, hardly could I believe my eyes... the grey colour of the pavement and of the ground around it had turned into white. Yes, white. A severe hail storm had swept through Lisbon.

I have lived most of my life in Lisbon and it was the first time something like this happened.

I really liked this little gift presented by Nature but I know, like everything, it has had its bad side-effects. Traffic was chaotic for many hours. Some roads had to be closed. Nature wanted it so!

 Enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, January 05, 2014


I could not find a better way to start off the New Year but recalling my visit to Aleppo, a city  meanwhile destroyed by religious fanaticism and political interests.


Did you know that the said to be the first evidence of production of soap-like materials dates back circa the year 2 800 BC??? It was located in Babylon. From there, the soap spread through the Mediterranean world on boats loaded from Damascus, Aleppo and Phoenician cities sitting on the coastal area (Lebanon).

I did find in Sidon a small production factory which sells olive oil soap cakes from Aleppo. They show exquisite shapes and very beautiful decorations. Which of which to bring back home was a hard task, indeed. I would have liked to buy one of each, at least. 

Is Aleppo still there???

Thank you!